Certified Accountants & Advisors
Cannabis & Psychedelics

THCFO Accounting is a remote accounting firm dedicated to help Cannabis and Psychedelic businesses grow using best industry practices. We practice in any state where Cannabis and Psychedelics are legal. Recreational and medical dispensaries, cultivation facilities, infused product manufactures, ancillary businesses, our talented and Cannabis Certified Seed Counting staff at THCFO Accounting work hard behind the scenes so you can focus on what matters most...growing your business.

Using a third party accounting firm lends credibility to your Cannabis and/or Psychedelic business with supporting financial institutions and investors. We provide the best possible accounting services to our clients because we understand the complexity and risk within these industries. We’re process driven, technology focused, Cannabis Industry Accountants.


Schedule an appointment now with on of our Accountants, call us, or contact us using the contact form below. However you choose to reach out to us, we look forward to meeting you!

General Contact Information

Please direct all correspondence to:

Phone: (541) 704-7220

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